One (1) Day Intro to Canoeing


Full Day Course example time: 9:00am-4:00pm with one hour for breaks

Note: We can flexibly adjust our times based on group preference.



Aim / Overview

Learn to paddle your canoe effectively and safely with a partner or solo.

To introduce the novice paddler to paddling with a partner in shelter calm waters. To introduce basic land and water rescue techniques.


Who would normally take this course?

  • Someone who has been paddling for many years but has never had any formal training
  • Someone who has never been in a canoe before
  • Someone who would like to progress through the Paddle Canada Certification level programs.
  • Someone who just bought a canoe and wants to paddle it well
  • Someone who wants to paddle larger lakes systems like Bowron, or the Powell River Lake Chain.
  • Someone who wants to learn the basics so they can safely progress to river canoeing


Participants must be comfortable in and around water, be reasonably fit, in good health and possess a reasonable level of strength and flexibility.

Course length

6 Hours

Class ratio

1 instructor: max 10 participants.


This introductory clinic is conducted in a calm water setting and involves some time in a discussion. North Shuswap Lake, BC


Upon completion of this six hour course, you will be assessed for Paddle Canada certification at the Introductory to Canoeing Tandem and / or Basic Solo level.  Participants can then progress through the Paddle Canada National Certification Program(s).

Paddle Canada Progression Chart

Skills you will learn

How to enter and exit your canoe, how to paddle in a straight line, as well as turning, docking, and beaching.

Paddling Strokes: Forward, Reverse, J- Stroke (Lake J) Sweeps, Draw, and Pry, and others.

What to do if your canoe tips in the middle of a lake: T rescue (Canoe over Canoe)

(Tipping is not required for the Basic Paddle Canada certificate, but HIGHLY recommended in this opportune practice setting)

Other topics

  • Basic parts of the Canoe
  • Styles of paddles and how to choose sizing, PFD’s (Personal Flotation Devices (life jacket) and sizing
  • Throw Bag use and Common knots
  • Mandatory Equipment and Equipment and safety gear you should always have with you
  • Basic Environmental Hazards
  • We touch on packing for a trip, and partner team work
  • Trim and balance of a canoe
  • Basic Canoe Lifts and Carries






Please Reach out at [email protected] for Canoeing Program Prices