How can I keep my FAITH strong during unsettling times?
Today’s Mystical Message
By Rev. Danielle
To be real with yourself and develop understanding is key. First creating self understanding, and then self-healing and growth. There will never be a perfect time for your ego mind, but there is perfection in every moment for your higher mind; for your God mind.
Not being fearful to pray to God, fearful that your prayers won’t be heard. When praying from a place of deep inner confidence, there is no need to beg and plea for this or that, but to know deeply that all will be given to you as your life purpose unfolds.
Trusting that when you receive inner guidance, inspiration, or a creative notion, that it comes from a higher place, therefore, a knowingness and confidence must exude that God, Universe, Higher Self, or with whom or what you most resonate with, will and has already provided you with all that you need to be successful.
Roads wander here and there. Travel as the wind blows, follow your heart wisdom, ask questions of your higher self and listen as the answers come in intricate unexpected ways.
Your human vessel is one of strength and durability. Remembering the limitless mechanics of what you are. “The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them”.
Stay your Course
Loving you always!