Empowerment Through Frequency – Public Offering on Zoom with World Wide Network Of Light Practitioners-Oct 14, 23

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Empowerment Through Frequency
Oct 14, 23

Zoom Recording

“I have no doubt in your ability or potential, why should you?”

We are all on this wonderful, yet often challenging life journey together. We are all experiencing ongoing shifts in energy within us and around us, at any one given time.

As of late, we are feeling a significant increase of light energy on earth, and what is occurring is a first of its kind. The pouring of light is awakening souls at such a speed, that it can leave one feeling dumbfounded, confused, or even overwhelmed, as we adapt to living and being this high vibratory state. As we are all at varying stages of soul growth at any one period, what occurs for each of us may look and feel differently. But one thing’s for certain, we are all affected and effected by the raising of energetic frequency, and it will support our highest good to discuss openly, as now more than ever before, we are in the midst of a grand opportunity.

Please join our World Wide Network of Light Practitioners this Saturday for a live authentic discussion with practical experience. Please welcome our Healing team member, John Millward – https://essentialoiltherapy.org/, who will present this week’s topic.

What is Healing through Frequency? What does raising your vibration look and feel like? Why would you want to raise your vibration and how do you do it? It’s one thing to sit in on a lecture, but this call will affirm your knowing, and demonstrate take home examples of how you can begin and / or enhance your present stage of self/soul development, and ignite and amplify the magnificent capabilities you have within you; we have within us all!

Once you have an experience, there is no going back. It is the experience that will shift a soul from having doubts, to an unwavering knowing.

On behalf of The Healing Team, let’s journey together!

See you Saturday!

Rev. Danielle Dufour

To reach out to any member of our Light Practitioners, OR to request a Distance Healing, please email: [email protected]

This is the recording with our Healing Team of World Wide Network Of Light Practitioners from our October 14th, 2023 Public RE-Curing – Bi-Weekly Offering- Every 2nd Saturday 8am Pacific US/Can. Please check our Healing Channel on Telegram for our Offering dates.

Women of Spirit, Transforming Lives Available NOW

I’m super happy to be a part of this amazing Anthology, Curated by: “Twinkle” Marie Manning

Danielle is published in the Women of Spirit volume II Anthology, 2022 by: Matrika Press
Women of Spirit, Transforming Lives is the second volume in this Matrika Press series. This book is a compilation of women sojourners, sages, mystics, witches, shaman, medicine women, philosophers, life coaches, ministers, storytellers, yogis, historians, and more.

Their journeys. Their stories.  Their teachings and practices.  Poetry, Art, Rituals, and Prayers.

This anthology is full of useful tools and powerful messages for everyone who is on a spiritual journey.


Purchase from Danielle directly by sending an email to:  [email protected]


Purchase on Amazon and/or at the links below.

Print ISBN:


eBook ISBN:


Library of Congress Control Number: 2021951889

Additional writings and messages from Danielle can be found via her Web Blog and her new podcast “In Light and Love with Rev. Danielle”

Contributors include:

Anne B. Gass

Anya Searle

Arica Walters

Beth Amine

Carole Fontaine

Cheryl Partridge

Danielle Dufour

Deana Sanderson

Erin Colene

Fatima Al-Sayed

Jaishree Dow-Spielman

Jane Sloven

Kiana Love

Leana Kriel

Melissa Kennedy

Mika Leone

Pam Swing

Patricia Diorio

Sloane Reali

Tam Veilleux


Life Force Energy, Chakras, & You- Public Offering on Zoom March 5, 2022

Prepare for Change Healing Team is inviting you to a Public Offering on Zoom

Saturday, March 5, 2022 – 8 am PST, 10 am Central, 11am EST – US/Canada

Find the time in your area here-worldtimebuddy.com

Life Force Energy, Chakras, and You

Feeling is believing – and knowing is Healing!

with Rev. Danielle Dufour, B.Msc, QT Practitioner

Please join Rev. Danielle, our guest presenter for this week’s Healing Offering, as she discusses Life Force Energy Healing principals, and applies a practical introduction through practice techniques, along with a guided visualization to support each participant’s discovery.  We will also debrief after the session to allow for reflection and the opportunity to share our experiences.  READ VIA PREPARE FOR CHANGE

If you would like to participate in this Healing Offering, please request your Zoom link by sending an email to [email protected]

Millions of people walk around on this earth every day totally disregarding their bodies, and the fact we are spinning round and round on this gigantic sphere so fast, our limited ego minds can hardly comprehend the magnitude of it all. How interesting a vast number of humans wake up every day forgetting we have these beautiful bodies carrying us around dauntingly, asking so little from us in return.

Over the ages, many great Philosophers and Metaphysicians have contemplated our reason for being… Truth as sought by the seeker. The existence of Life Force Energy, and all that we are, is evident across every culture. The Chinese call it Chi, The Japanese call it Ki, and in Sanskrit we know it as Prana.

We are all on this great journey that requires us to first observe our bodies, and then interestingly enough, all else falls into place.

What if you only looked to yourself for everything you need? What if you were the only one you could go to for all your answers? What If you stripped away titles, books, or information you have been taught, removed all financial barriers, and rid yourself of electronics. How would your life look? What would your life then be about? What would you do?

When we take time to sit quietly, and ask questions of ourselves, we receive a perfect response. The clearer the intention in the question you ask, the clearer the response you will receive. When I say intention, I mean, a real ring of truth to it. When your intention comes from the deepest part of yourself, it will always reflect what is needed, rather than what the superficial ego thinks you want or need.

When the intention to find the solution to a problem is clear, a clear response is received. This kind of divine wisdom is often dismissed and touted as inconsequential, superstitious, or coincidental. However, human perception is shifting faster than ever before and on a grand scale. We are finally realizing our vast ability to go beyond what we have been taught by the church and our education system.

Unfortunately, discomfort on a mass scale is a necessary consequence of shedding old dark patterns from the Earth. We are beginning to sense the vibrations that are perfectly tuned to awaken each soul, as requested, and in their own perfect time. The appearance of so many catastrophic events on our planet are a mere reflection of the vast number of human emotions being transmuted by the earth, as we enter our vibrant new age.

Are you able to see the divine gift in each challenging moment? Are there “themes” or situations that constantly reoccur in your life?  What do you do when unexpected emotions surface? Do you give yourself permission to observe and reflect what you feel in the moment? What about when you were a child?

The truest gifts you are offered are not always easily identified. However, they are the answers to why you have chosen this path for yourself.  Spiritual awakening begins with self and body awareness. The first two of the eight limbs (aspects) of Yoga begin with Yama: Ethical disciplines, and Niyama: Self Observation. Observing your physical body and asking questions of your higher self is a gentle way to allow your inner light to brighten and establishes your intention of getting to know every intricate detail about you!

What happens when we receive everything that occurs in our life (whether good or bad) with a gracious attitude of thankfulness? What might we gain when we practice exploring ourselves, our deepest feelings, and our needs?

We have all been purposely suppressed and taught to disregard our intuition, our feelings, and most importantly, our powerful energy, for lifetimes. We have been programmed to listen to what others tell us, and seek external solutions, rather than follow our “gut” instincts. We have been told to “Trust the facts.”  Well, the fact is emotion hides in our physical bodies when unexpressed as do the hurts and trauma from this life and others. They can become “trapped” within parts of our physical body, and energy centres which can adversely affect our overall function as light beings.


I speak with certainty from years of personal experience in the practice of yoga, meditation, integrative client work, and through direct physical experiences most would not believe. I did not always see life in the infinite beautiful way I do now. I am not a guru. I am just someone who consistently followed their “inner voice,” with an open heart, and with every profound experience, I have been increasingly affirmed to keep diving in deep.

Everyone is their own greatest healer. I humbly invite you to attend this integrative offering and raise your vibration through focused breath work, meditation, and chakra clearing techniques. Let’s shift our perception through our own unique experiences and insights and be affirmed into our own knowingness!

We only have these bodies for a limited time! Why not have a look around in there?

Remember, your intention is everything and it could be as simple as giving yourself permission to show up! Exploring and connecting with your deepest truth can help break a repeating life cycle that has not been in your best interest.


In preparation for the session, be sure to think about what you want and need. A session for one person may be completely different than what someone else may experience. The Universe will only show you what you can emotionally manage, so there is no need to “worry” about what may occur. We would suggest having a pen and paper handy in the event you want to journal a few notes about your experience.  We also suggest having water handy to maintain your hydration level.


Rev. Danielle is our Healing Group coordinator, an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, a Holistic Intuitive Practitioner (certified in Quantum Touch), a Yoga and Meditation Instructor, a Social Worker – Integrative Counselor, as well as a Canoe Instructor. Read more about Rev. Danielle Here.


Her Integrative work with clients could be as light as:

  • sharing a channeled message,
  • a tarot card reading


  • Deeper sessions encompassing emotional discovery and release through guided techniques, while holding a strong harmonizing vibration for a person, so they may more easily balance their energy field.


To reach out to Rev. Danielle directly, she can be reached via her website www.lifeforceenergy.net or direct via email at [email protected]


If you would like to participate in this Healing Offering, please request your Zoom link by sending an email to [email protected]


We look forward to sharing space with you on Saturday.


Prepare for Change The Healing Team