What will the future look like in the months to come?
Time is not the factor it is truth. Time can stand still or speed by. During a time of inner healing and great self reflection, there will come moments that seem too painful to bare. You must look where you have never looked before and seek out supports that you once may have seen as foolery.
We have all been taught, programmed, and sacrificed at this level of our awareness, to a low vibration; it is rising as we speak. We have control over how we choose to act and to live. We must stand when the time is right and speak the truth as we feel it deeply.
In time all will come to light. There is only you to turn to who is all with the divine. We are one. Our true nature will be seen in its own perfect time.
With light there is dark, with dark there is light, we mustn’t fret over this or that, but divinely live as you were meant to uncovering your truth bit by bit, moment by moment. Enlarge your life on a grander scale than ever before. Live free and true to your spirit and all will be well.